wild connections
pygmy possum
corroboree frog
fariy penguin
kosciusko grasshopper
Tasmanian Devil
supurb parrot

The Animals




  • eat insects, native fruit and seeds at night;
  • stay in their burrows during the heat of the day;
  • dig burrows up to 3m long and 1.8m deep; and
  • have poor eyesight but excellent hearing and sense of smell.

Further information about the bilby can be found at these sites:

Threats which affect this animal in this Menagerie™ ADD-ON Habitat are:

Rabbits - compete with native animals for food and shelter, ringbark plants and can change the vegetation composition, disturb the soil and cause erosion

Foxes - eat native animals, compete with native animals for food and shelter and may spread disease


This animal lives in these habitats:

If you know of any links for any of the above habitat or animals please let us know so we can add them.

| The Animals | The Habitats |

© Wild Connections
Last Modified: 10.11.15