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tasmanian habitat
When the region was nominated for world heritage listing it was described as 'the last great temperate wilderness remaining in Australia and one of the last in the world'. This expanse of wilderness and the inability of some feral animals, eg foxes to reach the island of Tasmania has provided a safe habitat for many small mammals such as the Tasmanian devil, Eastern quoll, Tasmanian pademelon, Tasmanian bettong, which, although once common on the mainland are now only found in Tasmania. Further information about this habitat can be found at these sites:
Animals living in this habitat
The extra threat included in this Menagerie™ ADD-ON Habitat is: Cats - eat native animals, compete for food with native animals and may spread disease. The extra management strategy included in this Menagerie™ ADD-ON Habitat is: Cats - are controlled by trapping, shooting, poisoning, fencing, animal proofing garbage disposal units and implementing education programs which encourage responsible cat ownership.
If you know of any links for any of the above habitat or animals please let us know so we can add them. | The Animals | The Habitats | |